We Are Our Deeds

I believe there is a guilt complex going about in Pagan/Heathen circles. Let’s face it the vast majority of Norse Pagan/Heathens or Germanic pagans are whit. This is not a lie but a fact. In my thirty-seven years of practice I have met, in person or on the internet, one person who practiced Germanic Paganism or Asatru that was not a white Norther European. One. Let that sink in. We are not a culturally or racially diverse group. I did a bit of research when I started writing this. I looked at the member makeup of Asatru groups on Facebook, groups that consider themselves inclusive or universalist. I looked at profile pictures, names, and even reviewed some of the profiles. I found there are a whole lot of white people in these groups and that’s about it. So, why is that? Historically, what many call Asatru today started as a white thing. I am not saying that people of color were excluded, I am just saying white people were interested in the platform. I am guessing this is bec...