
Hi. I my name is Ron Black, formerly known as Ragnvold Thorsson. I have been a heathen for close to 40 years. I have a Master's in History and I am a ordained minister. I have two biological children who have been raised as heathens and two step children who are Christians. We are a mixed religious family. I am originally from Rhode Island, and I lived in Providence, Rhode Island for 25 years before moving to Connecticut.

I am heavily into the punk rock scene, what there is left of it in the area. I discovered Heathenry and Punk around the same time in life and they have both been a part of me since. 

In the 1990s I found a heathen group we called Hammerhof. Hammerhof grew to a large family group by the the early 2000s. The group eventually tapered off to just a few folks due to moves and some internal conflicts. I kept Hammerhof going and over the last couple of years I decide that the town I live in with eight churches needed a Heathen Temple. 

Ragnvold Thorsson

Ragnvald Thorsson was my Heathen altar ego. Many of us back in the day had one due to persecution by the community. I used the name for decades. Thorsson developed his own personality over the years to reflect a person that I am not; one who fits in with the rest of them. I tried to build a Heathen leader that could say, "Heathens are just like everyone else." this is not true. Heathens have a different perspective and world view. We are different, and that is OK. 


Hammerhof started off as a what many new age folks call a kindred. I stopped using the term kindred several years ago and I use tribe now. I maintained the idea of a tribal group for many years, and until recently that's how it was. Today I am trying to make Hammerhof a Heathen temple. 

Hammerhof currently is a developing temple complex on my personal property. Currently my family and I use the area for persona practice. The long term goal is develop a Heathen temple where all Heathens are welcome and the temple itself has a thriving community that can support it. 

Declaration 127
There are other blogs on the internet pertaining to the YAC and Hammerhof. These blogs have not been active in many years and the now mostly defunct YAC has lost control over these blogs. Old users and passwords are not available. At the time of their creation both the YAC and Hammerhof supported the Asatru Folk Assembly. In 2013 the AFA was not engaged in racist or “far-right” activities. Today the Kindred Hall of Hammerhof joins with our fellow heathens in support of Declaration 127.

hvars þú böl kannt kveðu þat bölvi at ok gefat þínum fjándum frið

“When you see misdeeds, speak out against them, and give your enemies no frið”

Hávamál 127

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