Kindred Hall of Hammerhof

Our introductory pamphlet reads,

"Hammerhof Hall is tribal kindred based upon Saxon-Norse Theodish traditions commonly known as the Ásatrú religion. We believe in and honor the Gods and Goddesses of our Germanic ancestors, the Aesir and Vanir. We believe that they hold special value for us. We seek their good fortune and we work to develop and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with them. We honor the Aesir with our dedication and spirituality; we honor the Vanir with our deep respect and dedication to preserving and protecting Midgard. We believe that through ritual, dedication, generosity, honor, and hard work, our lives and consciousness will be touched by the Holy Powers.

We are family based tribal kindred comprised of blood related family and close friends. Hammerhof Hall is a kindred based upon tribalist theory and practice of our ancestral past. Hammerhof Hall believes that all are welcome and free to worship in the Asatru ways. Hammerhof Hall is not open for general membership. Potential members (Þéow) may petition to join through a member in good standing."

What does all that mean? Let me try to simplify this as best I can for those of you who are new or unfamiliar with the heathen kindred system. A kindred is like a tribe comprised of family and close friends who not only worship together but play together. They are family bound by blood or oath. In the case of Hammerhof kindred, we state we are "Tribal kindred based upon Saxon-Norse Theodish traditions". Hammerhof Kindred is linking itself to these Germanic tribes by reconstructing tradition and religion, a concept of Theodism. Primarily we call upon Saxon tradition while still incorporating Norse or Nordic elements of the religion. We say Odin rather than Woden.

Theodism is much more complicated, whereas I will dive more deeply later. Hammerhof Kindred has a Theodish base, which means we use Theodish ideals within our belief system. We have a very strong scholarly and academic base that emphasizes the intense study of history, languages, archaeology, anthropology and folklore. Importance is placed on cultural and historical authenticity. So that you all know, I have a Master's Degree in History. Our goal is not to bring back the past, but reconstruct the religious, social, and some what political constructs of our Germanic ancestors. Which were fairly liberal and democratic for their time. That being said, as Americans we feel that the Constitution is the most important document of our time and should be upheld. What we all need to keep in mind is the idea of separation of church and State. The Founders knew this was critical and what seems to be forgotten is that Christianity was NOT part of the forming of our Government. Most of the Founders were poor Christians at best, but what they did know was that religion should NOT be part of our system of government.

Therefore, Hammehof Kindred has its own governance separate from civil government. Much like other religious institutions we have an internal affairs division who deal with their own internal issues. However, if local, State, or Federal laws are violated we go to the proper authorities without question. So, having our own internal political system does not trump the outside. We base our social structure on 5th to 6th century Saxon society with a reconstructed social, political, and religious structure guides us in life.

Now that I am through all that, let me lay down the latest state of it all. Back in 2013 Hammerhof Kindred had a good number of kinfolk, families with children and just good people. Somewhere along the line Loki's mischief played a role and destroyed what we had worked hard to create (I will not talk bad of the person who took us to our knees). Today we have been reduced to my family and a loose association with a few folk who we once held oath with. We are in a process of rebuilding. What that means is that I am in a new geographical location, I am Dryhten (lord) of the hall, I am trying to rebuild. The folk of old have their own halls now and I must rebuild my kindred in a new place and a new time. My goal is to create a Theodish-Asatru community built on family, kinship, and community.


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