Wes ðu Hāl!

Wes ðu Hāl!

Wes ðu Hāl! or Hail and bel welcome in Old English. This is my blog about all things Asatru. It is about heathen things, Theodish notions, and tribal being. What does all that mean? Well, I will try to explain...

In 1984 I left the Christian church officially. I was fourteen years old. I had left the church long before that, but it was not until 84 that I explained to my parents. Of course, I am still not sure that fully understand or even believe I have any sort of "real" religion. I assure you, my beliefs are real. Ásatrú is a religion which believes in the ancient Germanic spirits and Gods. The term Heathen means someone who is not Christian and is generally an umbrella term for those of us who follow the Northern Tradition or Asatru. Theodism is a division of Asatru which seeks to reconstruct the beliefs and practices of several historic Northern European tribes. Much like Christianity Asatru has different sects that have slightly different ways of practicing. Look at it this way, Asatru is the religion like Christianity, Theodism, Tribalism, etc. are the different.

The word Asatru is a Scandinavian term consisting of two parts: ASA (Genitive of Aesir) referring to the Germanic Gods and Goddesses (of both the AESIR and the VANIR), and TRU meaning faith. Thus, Asatru literally means faith in the gods, although it is commonly misunderstood to mean 'true to the Aesir gods'.

My writing here will be about my beliefs and the trials and tribulations of being heathen in a non-heathen world. I hope to bring understanding to non-heathens, mainly Christians, about what we believe and why we believe it. This is about my faith and my life. Thanks for reading.


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