TAC Watch

Fact Check: The Asatru Community

It took just less than six months for me to be completely discussed with The Asatru Community (TAC), its Leadership, and policies. When I first joined, I was impressed by their outreach, openness, and commitment to the free worship of Asatru. Out of nowhere long-time members in leadership positions were being ousted with out a word. Suddenly TAC would announce that these members “left for personal reasons”. New people would be appointed with some fake voting process only available on Facebook if you paid attention. Board Members made public statements calling for the genocide of all Christians, others alluded to racist folkish positions. We circulated a petition calling for change and we were ridiculed by the leadership of TAC. Then the announcement that TAC leaders were going to pen a new set of the 9 Noble Virtues as they see fit. Many were angered and more members were banned for speaking out against their decision.

The Reputation of TAC
Are they some sort of secret racists or anything[1]?

TAC has a pretty bad reputation in the world of Asatru. I had never heard of them when I joined, and to my own fault did not do due diligence before joining. TAC is run by puppet master Seth Chagi, founder. That is his title, founder. He pretty much runs the show from behind the scenes. An anonymous source, a onetime TAC Ambassador, told me he was ousted after calling out Seth for falsifying information, and he had it in writing (email). TAC has been involved with shady characters, alleged neo-Nazis, and folkish leadership that denied membership on ethnic and racial grounds. TAC has gone a long way to cover up this past, but some skeletons are still in the closet.

Huginn’s Heathen Hof reported in 2016, “A number of individuals claim to have reported these violations of the bylaws via the T.A.C. Facebook page, but were either ignored or actually banned from the page entirely.”[2] This was in response to discrimination based on race and ethnicity and association with known racist Asatru groups. On March 17, 2016 TAC announced on their Blog their official affiliation with Nordic Circle Kindred (Nordic Circle KCAZ), a group know to a neo-Nazi organization. KCAZ’s leader “Tripp” (The blog post literally just came down as I was looking at it on 28 May 2020, 1:16pm). After being outed by HHH, TAC leadership eventually cut ties with KCAZ and issued a statement. Other Heathen watchdog groups also reported on this issue, Real Heathenry stated, “Instead, this episode raises a litany of questions about the leadership’s overall competence, ethics, and final goals.”[3]

How about this guy and former TAC “Religious Director” Bryan Wilton? Wilton once said, “People want to say Hitler did it because he hated the Jew. Hitler did it because he loved his country.”[4] What? So, Wilton was a folkbuilder for the Asatru Folk Assembly(link to his latest AFA post https://www.runestone.org/?s=Bryan+Wilton)He went back and forth between TAC and the AFA a few times from what I understand.
TAC has a history of violating its own bylaws, rules, standards, and codes. Then getting angry at its members and other heathens for calling them out on it. Finally, when backed into the corner like rats, they do something. Here is a list of past articles you can read for yourself;


https://www.realheathenry.com/tacwatch/the-opening-salvo/ (About TAC Watch)





The argument I have been given by TAC and a few of its flock, is that this was a long time ago. The fact is, they are still in bed with the Folkish Asatru groups, its BoD members are violating the bylaws, and all are engaged in a coverup for their own agenda. You cannot say, “all in the past” and continue the same behaviour. Their method of alternative facts and control is banning people who speak out and deleting the offending posts and information from the internet. 

Once I post this, I will them post my resignation as a TAC ambassador and member. TAC lacks the ability to hold the Nine Noble Virtues, perhaps this is the real reason they have chosen to rewrite them in their own image. I have lost all confidence in the TAC leadership to do what is TRUE under the values and ideals of Asatru, a faith I have practiced since 1984.

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/asatru/comments/3r7jnl/the_asatru_community/
[2] Huginn’s Heathen Hof. http://www.heathenhof.com/a-step-in-the-right-direction-t-a-c-takes-action/.
[3] Real Heathenry. https://www.realheathenry.com/tacwatch/digging-exposing-tacs-history-courting-supremacists/
[4] Ibid. https://www.realheathenry.com/tacwatch/digging-ii-lessons-unlearned/


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