Does Only the Fool Go it Alone?

Clive Barrett, Norse Tarot
Once again, the big incorporated Asatru organizations have failed me, and others. Over the past three decades I have been a member, and sometimes more than once, of one of many national or worldwide Asatru organizations. Every time I do, I leave in frustration. This may lead you to ask, then why do you keep joining? Well, because as humans, I am told, we are social animals who need other humans to be social with. I guess this is true, because I keep trying to connect with other Heathens.

Here are the issues with these big groups. First, they often charge a yearly fee that goes towards whatever they want and you as the member see little from the money collected by the organization. Second, unless you live in California, Texas, or in the same state the organization is headquartered you may never see an event or have any members within 100 miles. Heathenry is not common, and we are all over the place mostly going it alone. Third, communication. This goes one of two ways, either they are always on your ass to do this, give that, or whatever or it is pretty much radio silence. Finally, the big groups have a hierarchy who have established how you should worship. The problem here, is unless this whole Heathen thing is brand-new to you, a seasoned Heathen has already established his own way of doing things. Heathens do not like being told what to do!

As a Heathen for over 35 years, I have developed my own ways. Most of that time was spent a lone or with my family. There was a time we had a large group, kindred if you will. It didn’t last because of the structure of modern society. Society is just not the same as it was for the Ancestors. They lived in a tribal community that depended on all the folk for survival. Today, I can survive on my own with little to no human interaction at all. The older I get the more I realize I prefer solitude.

So, the question comes up, should I just go it alone? Mind you this would not really be alone I have two heathen children. If I was to just stop seeking out other heathens to start a kindred with and just stuck to my family would that put me more inline with the Ancestors. I would be practicing with my tribe. Does it really matter?

The advantages of kindred style Asatru is that you have others to rely on, learn from, and worship with. The problem is finding folk you want to do this with. Let’s be honest, some Heathens are often weird outcasts with issues, and we can be difficult to deal with in general. I have found very few people inn general, not just Heathens, that I want to spend a lot of time with. Thus, I keep asking myself, Why do you want to start a Kindred so badly?

The simple answer is that sometimes it would be nice to have others to worship and celebrate with. My kids are great, but sometimes you need more. That all being said, I am conflicted. Should I go it alone, or does only the fool go it alone? 


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