Should Heathens Actively Try to Convert Folks?

In researching the idea of Heathens converting non-heathens I came across this more than once, “the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens”. OK, we all know that ever since Rome converted to Christianity, they used a whole bunch of methods to convert the Heathens and pagans of Europe. They sent missionaries, assimilated holidays, used bribery, and military force to stop those “godless heathens”. Today may of the same tactics are used to convert folks around the world to Christianity and maintain their powerbase.

How about us heathens? Should we be out there trying to convert people? Should I be going door to door asking, “Do you have a moment to talk about our true Gods, Odin, Thor, and Freyja?” Ok, that may be a bridge to far, but are Heathens supposed to use conversion as a method of building the folk?

In my research on the subject I found very little. One blogger said you cannot convert you are heathen or you are not, but gave almost no intelligible explanation of why this was. My thought is, very few of use were born heathen, thus we had to convert. I found other interesting posts on Christian chatgroups where Christians had Heathen friends that they claimed were trying to convert them and they wanted advice on converting their friends. Alas, I found no information on any Heathens that had a conversion program or policy.

Perhaps I found nothing because as Heathens we just do not do that sort of thing. To me it seems out of character for a Heathen to be going around trying to change people’s minds about their belief system. Really, it feels like it is none of my business. However, if the subject comes up, I feel perfectly fine debating anyone on Heathenry verse “insert religion of your choice here”.

As heathens we should not try and convert anyone. However, dissemination of information is acceptable. There is no reason we cannot had out information in the form of pamphlets, websites, social media, and even blogs. Who knows? Maybe you will spark someone’s interest.


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