Yule 2021; yesterday and today

I have been watching a lot of videos on YouTube about Yule and what Heathen Yule is, when it is, and how it should be celebrated. As usual, a lot of criticism towards the old guard and Asatru. Believe me I am with them on that, and I was to some extent a part of it. Over the past 40 years my beliefs, practices, and ways of worship have altered and changed.

There are a few schools on Yule and the Heathen holydays in general. What it comes down to is the sun, the moon, and historically accurate or not so much. If we look at the historically accurate group, they will tell you that the moon dictated when Yule was held not the solstice. This puts Yule in January or February, and they site the Sagas, Eddas, and history. They are not wrong. The modern traditionalists Asatru types state that Yule is on the Solstice in December and is roughly around the 21st or 22nd. So, when is Yule?

Yule was defined as a 12-day event (i.e., the 12-Days or Yule/Christmas) and other state that the facts show a 3-day, 3-night celebration. The 12-day model is really a modern invention of Asatru. Sorry folks, that the facts. There is no historical evidence to prove it otherwise. There is a far greater wealth of evidence for the 3-day/night model. Plus, the number 3 is a common theme in ancient Germanic lore. Many Heathens today are changing their practices to the 3-day/night model. So how long is Yule?

Many Heathens have made a lot of claims about Yuletide traditions and the root of the current Christmas traditions. Many say the Christians stole our practices. To some extent this is true, but in realty they just added the Heathen ways to Christianity because the people would not stop practicing them! I am not going to get into wreaths, trees, and Yule logs so much. Many of the modern Christmas traditions are rooted in some sort of Paganism. No, Woden is not Santa. Someone tell me just how that could be true? While I am on it, there is no Yule log that will burn for 12-days. Get some oak and light a fire. Time how long it takes for the biggest log to burn, then do the math of how big a log you would need. What we do know is that there was great feasting (Husel), drinking (Symbel), gift giving, and oath making of the highest order. I think we call all get behind that!

Yule is a winter celebration, that is for sure. We use the Eddas and Sagas to point to this. Weather you celebrate it on the solstice, or the lunar cycle makes little difference. I am a historian, I have papers and a 100, 000 in student loans to prove it. Yes, history is important, historical fact is important, and history is important (I know I said that twice), but not so much here. The reality is who cares if you use the solar or lunar cycle? When I started this path, I went by the fairly new teaching of Asatru. Yule was on the Solstice in December and was 12 days. That was it, it was all we had. I maintained this pattern for decades. Most Heathens I know continue to use this model in their practice, mostly because they have been for so long it has become part of their tribal Thews.

My family and tribe have moved to a 3-day/night format. We begin at sunset on the 19th of December and end at sunset on the 22nd. The 20th is Mother Night, 21st is Yule Eve, and the 22 is Yule. We mark each day with a Blot, Feast, and drinking. ON Yule Eve we give gifts and make oaths. These are our traditions, they are Thew. They are not wrong and not right. Do your own thing and what make you feel right.

God Yule!


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