If I build it, will they come?

I have spent the greater part of the past 30 years community building in the Heathen community. I have learned that community building with Heathens has its ups and downs. Sometimes the dam bursts and you are overwhelmed by support and Heathens coming out of the woodwork. Other times you are alone in the woods praying to the gods and considering going it alone. Most of my years as a Heathen have been going it alone. It seems that is just the way it goes in the modern Heathen world, most of the time you are alone. I have my kids, they were raised Heathen and have known nothing else. At one time we hade a big tribe, 4 families and a about ten individuals. In the modern world that was short lived. People move about for work, school, or just out of wander lust. It is the way of the world.

I have gone back and forth on going it alone and community building many times in my years in the Heathen realm. Even now as I contemplate building a temple, for Heathens, I still doubt that I want to invite you, that is other Heathens. I have an issue with a lot of you. This the issue is me, I just do not get along with a lot of people and the older I get the worse I get. So, in order for me to invite you into my inner circle, we have to get along on more levels than just Heathenry. We have to connect. That does not mean I will not work with other Heathens, I will, but to gain access to my tribe takes far more.

All that being said, I want to build a heathen temple. I have 20 acres of land where I live with my family. There is a section where I have a scared grove on the edge of the lake. In this area I want to build a temple complex. It will be a temple of Thor overseen by the Bróðorræden of Hammerhof, thus the temple will be called Hammerhof (See the next blog). There will be god poles to Thor, Woden, Freyja, and other gods as I am able make them. I have started a structure, which is framed in and needs to be completed, there will be an entry wat, stone rowed walks, the existing sacred grove, stone altar, fire pits.  The picture here is an example of what I might build.

What I intend to do and have pledged to the gods to do is build it. I will start with one element at a time and see how far I get. I am but one man, may Thor give me strength! Here is the plan;

  1. Cleat up the debris (sticks, branches, etc.)
  2. Clear paths of scrub brush
  3. Clean up temple building
  4. Finish the temple building
  5. Build god poles 2-each
    1. Thor
    2. Woden
    3. Freyja
  6. Build Gateway
  7. Build Stone Altar
  8. Build fire pits

I can Tell you right now that building a small god pole takes a full two days. Building a 6-foot god pole will take far longer. I suspect that alone it may take several seasons to do all the work. The more help I have the faster it will go. Right now, it is me, and when my son is available he helps. For the most, I am alone. I will build it, will you come?


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