
I have changed the name of this blog to Hammerhof. I am making a slight change in direction to focus on Hammerhof rather than random musings. Hammerhof is theoretically a heathen temple complex that I have been building over the years. 

Going forward I will be focusing on Hammerhof and its future and Heathenry in its present modern evolution. What that means is that I will write about the Hof and the practices within. 

Back in 2020 I wrote about Hammerhof as a kindred. I have Since stopped the use of the word kindred in favor of tribe. Back in 2020 I was trying to revive the old Hammerhof as a it was in the early 2000s, a kindred. Time changes all, and Hammerhof time as a kindred or tribe is over. Hammerhof and I have evolved to a new state, a new level of awareness and being. I am moving forward to build my temple and to make use of it. 


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