The Problem with Eclecticism


Eclecticism in Heathenry is the idea that the Heathen has taken what he knows from the lore, history, and archaeology and basically filling in the missing parts based on instinct or other religious practices. Often eclectics borrow from other religions and traditions that feel right. This includes things like burning sage, drumming, and even holytides and even gods in some cases. The problem with this is that reconstructionists and orthodox Heathens have a real problem with this. They feel that tis is a “corruption” of the “true” faith.

I look at myself as a liberal reconstructionist. That is, I feel it is ok to filling the blacks based on a gut feeling. I have a Anlo-Saxon gods and Norse gods all together and I draw from the Saxon and Norse traditions for a lot of my practices. I also incorporate drums and incense (sage) in my ritual. One reason for this is that when I found Asatru it was simple a Norse system. As I grew and became educated, my belief system evolved. I do not see a problem with any of that and here’s why.

We know from the archeological evidence that the Germanic peoples from the early tribes to the Norse (aka Vikings) that their beliefs and practices changed over time, from region to region, tribe to tribe, and family to family. During migrations we know their practices changed and merged with the native religions where they settled. Even Christianity became part of system along side Woden, Thor, and Freyja. From the evidence we can see that the ancient ways were fluid and changed to meet the needs of the tribe. After all, isn’t that why most of us left the church? The rigidness of Christianity stifled us, paganism was a flowing river where we could grow.

I do believe some eclectic pagans/Heathens go a bit too far and basically create a more Wiccan vibe. I did a bit of investigating and found that some eclectics basically are jus Wiccans who have a Freyja, Woden, or other Germanic deity statues and there is nothing historical about what they do, just simply new age. However, they call them selves Heathen. Maybe there is a problem with the use of the word Heathen?

Over the decades I was an Odinist, Asatruar, pagan, Germanic pagan, Norse pagan, Theodish, Saxon pagan, and Heathen. None of these really fit, but all of them did. Am I Heathen? Yes. Do I have elements of all of these in my belief system? Yes. Is this eclecticism or revivalism?

My point is, we all make Heathenry our own. If we are solitary our system is based on our knowledge and feelings alone. We do what is right for us. In a tribal situation, the collective tribe bults thew (tradition) for the tribe. Together they build system of worship that works for the betterment of the tribe. It is fluid, natural, and grows with the person or the people.


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