Dæggehwilc Sidu

Dæggehwilc sidu is Old English for a daily custom or ritual. I have had some sort of religious daily ritual for many years, sometimes it lapses and others I do it religiously (I crack myself up!).  A lot of heathens do his, some do it by the book and other have their own style. I tend to do a little of both.

In the morning I get up and I go about my business. Once I wash and I feel ready to actually start the day, I take a walk to a little spot on my property, and I hail the day. A Some heathens recite the hail straight from Sigrdrífumál;

Hail, day!

Hail, sons of day!

And night and her daughter[9] now!

Look on us here

with loving eyes,

That waiting we victory win.

Hail to the gods!

Ye goddesses, hail,

And all the generous earth!

Give to us wisdom

and goodly speech,

And healing hands, life-long.

I tend to go a bit different and make my morning béde more personal. I face the east, raise my arms to the sky and say;

Hail Sunna!
Hail the sun, Hail the day!
Hail the Gods of Asgard!
Hail Thor!
Hail Woden!
Hail Freyja!
Bring me strength, wisdom, and frith on this day.

May I have victory and courage on this day!
(Here I ask for protection and safety, and a day of victory for my children and my wife)
Hail Sunna!
Hail the gods!
Hail the Ancestors!
Hail the tribe,
Hail my family!

From this point I may walk to my garden where I say a bede to Frea Ing for the fertility of my crops and protection from those damn slugs. If its winter or an off season I just go back to the house and go on with my mundane chores.

Throughout the day I do a lot of religious activities. I do not ask Thor to bless or make my food and drink sacred all day. I reserve that for special occasions. I do not do any mid-day rituals, or specific day rituals. Sometimes at night I give thanks for the day and do a bede to Mani much like the one for Sunna, but not always.

I know there are other Heathens that have a lot more daily ritual than I do, but I have my reasons. I am willing to bet that most ancient Heathens were much the same as I, they had shit to do. I’m pretty sure they not praying and making offerings all day long. I did a Google search and saw a bunch of folks suggestion all sorts of ritual all day and in to the night. Look, we are a modern people with lives, no man or god expects that kind of devotion.

This is pretty much it. In the future I may add a few things and make it more constant. I’d like to hear from my reader in the comments on some of what their daily rituals are. Maybe I’ll adopt them. Thanks.


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