Field of Dreams?

TO I watched this video (The Future of Heathenry and the Field of Dreams - YouTube) and I first I was a bit hurt. In the first few moments of the video, he speaks about private property temples and communities, what he calls the field of dreams concept. Basically, this is the idea of building a private property Hof and then building a community around it. Sort of something I have thought of doing. He goes on to talk about the current state, nature, of modern heathen communities. on these issues I agree. Watch the video, then come back.

In the past I have written about this and said that if I build it when you come? I have also spoken about community building, the big nationals or "umbrella groups", and I written about solitary practice. Over the decades I have been involved in Heathenry I have gone back and forth between solitary and communal in my practice. I have also gone back and forth on if community building is really all that great at all. I have also said, act locally and tribe building. I have said that tribal members need to get along on most levels not just a religious one. A lot of this is talked about in the video. 

He goes on in this video to talk about building a conjugation and not keeping on keeping on in the same manner we have been as Heathens. He puts forth a congregation model or build a church! The basic idea is to just follow the Christian model. If you have a Heathen group save some money together, become a 503c religious organization, be official, and for a Hof just like a Christian church would. Go find out how a local "church" is set up and organized and copy the model. If you are trying to build a really Heathen community this is how you are going to do it.

When you have a congregation in a church like setting you are worshipping in a community setting. These are, in theory, people within the community. I may have nothing more in common with any of them other than my religion. In this setting that's just fine. In this setting I am just showing up to worship, maybe staying for a cup of coffee after, then I am going back to my life. This changes the dynamics of Heathenry. We go from some home-based folk religious study group to a religion. I am not going to tell you how to do this (you can watch the video), but if someone local wanted to do this, I'd help but only if it is done right.

I am going to tell you right now, for the most part I am pretty much done with community building. I have yet to find folks that I can build a tribe with. On the current Heathen model where we are still meeting on private lands and in homes and I am supposed to just get along for the sake of Heathenry. Just another issue discussed in the video, heathens keeping the peace despite extreme differences. So we are clear, just because we are both Heathen doesn't mean I want to be your buddy. If we have nothing in common but Heathenry, then we can go our separate ways. Now, if there was a Heathen congregation that might be somewhat different. 

I am building a Heathen Hof or temple complex on my private property, for me, for my family, and my invited guests who I have known for decades. This is not for public consumption. Why am I doing this? Because I am pretty much going it alone out here and I like that. There is a sense of security in solitude, thus I am building this Hof for my personal home practice because that is all I have. However, if someone was to come along and build a Heathen Hof in the center of town, I'd show up. So we are clear, not the AFA. 



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