Look out ! It’s Satan!

Well folks, it’s been a minute. That’s right, I haven’t done shit in about a year. Why you ask? Because I just did not have the time. Well, now something has motivated me to write. TH Satanist are back!

Her in small town America where we have more churches than people to fill them the local chapter of the Satanic church has started a group at the local elementary school to combat the Christian group that meets there now. You guessed it, the villagers have their panties in a twist.

Here’s the thing about Satan, you can’t have Satan without the Christians and their god. Satan comes from the bible and only the bible. Satan is part of the Christian religion and thus just another sect of said religion. The Churches were full and all a buzz about these Satanists who are going to steal our children and have human sacrifices or some shit. They are going to have a prayer rally and pray for their souls or some garbage. I get this information from my wife by the way. They want me to have sympathy for the church because somehow a handful of jackasses calling themselves satanists are going to topple Christianity.  What the fuck is that shit? You are going to have a hard time trying to get me to have sympathy for a religion that persecuted me from 1983 to well yesterday.

Here’s the thing. These people are not Satanist but anti religion. They found a way to shock the villagers because they believe there is some sort of violation of the Constitution having a prayer group in the school. First, they are dead wrong. I have a Master’ in American history and I know an ass load about the constitution. Any civic group, that is a nonprofit institution, community member or members can ask the school for use of the facility in their community for programming. That includes religion. As long as the school does not endorse the program, it is not State sponsored religion. If the school was to sponsor the group, make it mandatory, or deny other religious organizations the same privilege, then there would be a problem.

Here's what’s gone wrong, the supposed Satanist don’t understand the Constitutional clause separating church and state, and the Christians are jumping into action to fight the evil doers. I’m making popcorn to watch the show. These two groups are going to go at it like cats and dogs and in the end, they are both going to lose and claim victory at the same time. The school department will just throw both groups out and make a policy not to give anyone access. How do I know this? I lived through the 1980s! This shit isn’t new.

The best option is to not react and let the Satanists have their fun. It will fizzle out in a few months when they realize no one cares. So, to the opposing forces, find a hobby or get a life.
