Heathen Kids
For some time know I have tried to build a lasting Heathen community. Although I have met a lot of wonderful people and for a while we had a strong group of folks, it just did not last. That seems to be the nature of Heathenry in a modern world where Christianity is the norm. By nature, Heathenry is tribal. In the days of the Ancestors the tribe stuck together out of necessity and loyalty. Today, we are scattered across the lands and often are forced to leave our tribe to seek work and prosperity elsewhere in the world. What remains is the family. In some cases, fractured families. I have been raising two children as heathens for nearly 21 years. My son will be 21 in a few weeks and my daughter is 9. Although both of them have been raised since birth as Heathens, they still have trepidations and fear about the ritual and practice. It’s a little like watch a flashback form life. My son is a lot like me when I was his age ad he is caught between Heathenry and Mr. Cool so he’s not sure ...