
Look out ! It’s Satan!

Well folks, it’s been a minute. That’s right, I haven’t done shit in about a year. Why you ask? Because I just did not have the time. Well, now something has motivated me to write. TH Satanist are back! Her in small town America where we have more churches than people to fill them the local chapter of the Satanic church has started a group at the local elementary school to combat the Christian group that meets there now. You guessed it, the villagers have their panties in a twist. Here’s the thing about Satan, you can’t have Satan without the Christians and their god. Satan comes from the bible and only the bible. Satan is part of the Christian religion and thus just another sect of said religion. The Churches were full and all a buzz about these Satanists who are going to steal our children and have human sacrifices or some shit. They are going to have a prayer rally and pray for their souls or some garbage. I get this information from my wife by the way. They want me to have symp...

Worshiping Today

So, every so often I watch a YouTube video about Heathenry in one form or another. Often I hear all about how I am doing it wrong and I should be doing it this way or that way. I’m not here to tell you how to do anything, I am here telling you how I do things. I live in the 21 st century, I am not a Viking, and I did not live in the 900AD or some other past time. I am here and now. The way I have structured my religious and spiritual life is around the modern world. Is it historically accurate or the way the “ancestors” did it? No! It’s fucking not! Good luck with that. I don’t have a time machine and I can do all the research in the world an never get in the heads of the people of the past to truly know what they did. As a historian I can tell you we can only guess based on the evidence we have. Searching for the past and trying to recreate it is a way of escaping reality. I was heavily involved in reenactment, and the reality of that is it is a way to escape the past and relive ...

A Christian View of Paganism

 So, Yule and Christmas have come and gone. Here in our home, we celebrate both because me and my biologicals are Heathen, and my wife and her biologicals are Christian. Our tradition is to celebrate Yule on the Solstice from sundown on the 19 th to sundown on the 22 nd of December. I understand that some celebrate the Medieval tradition of the 12-Days of Yule, and other use the Lunar method and Yule will be January 6 th for you. For us Yule fell during the wee and we had work, school, afterschool activities, and daily life to contend with. This makes Yule a trying time to prepare for and to celebrate. In contrast Christmas fell on a weekend and most people get the time off from work and it makes things all nice and neat. Yule came and went with some difficulties and life went on. Then on the 23 rd of December I was sick and tested positive for Covid. Yeah me! That only kept me down a day. By the 24 th I was doing. However, we could not go to see my wife’s family due to the ...

Field of Dreams?

TO I watched this video ( The Future of Heathenry and the Field of Dreams - YouTube ) and I first I was a bit hurt. In the first few moments of the video, he speaks about private property temples and communities, what he calls the field of dreams concept. Basically, this is the idea of building a private property Hof and then building a community around it. Sort of something I have thought of doing. He goes on to talk about the current state, nature, of modern heathen communities. on these issues I agree. Watch the video, then come back. In the past I have written about this and said that if I build it when you come? I have also spoken about community building, the big nationals or "umbrella groups", and I written about solitary practice. Over the decades I have been involved in Heathenry I have gone back and forth between solitary and communal in my practice. I have also gone back and forth on if community building is really all that great at all. I have also said, act local...

Dæggehwilc Sidu

Dæggehwilc sidu is Old English for a daily custom or ritual. I have had some sort of religious daily ritual for many years, sometimes it lapses and others I do it religiously (I crack myself up!).  A lot of heathens do his, some do it by the book and other have their own style. I tend to do a little of both. In the morning I get up and I go about my business. Once I wash and I feel ready to actually start the day, I take a walk to a little spot on my property, and I hail the day. A Some heathens recite the hail straight from Sigrdrífumál ; Hail, day! Hail, sons of day! And night and her daughter[9] now! Look on us here with loving eyes, That waiting we victory win. Hail to the gods! Ye goddesses, hail, And all the generous earth! Give to us wisdom and goodly speech, And healing hands, life-long . I tend to go a bit different and make my morning béde more personal. I face the east, raise my arms to the sky and say; Hail Sunna! Hail th...

Community and Solitude

Heathens have been struggling to build communities for about five decades now. These communities are like the ocean in that they come in waves. The swell in the sea and break on the banks of the Earth. I have seen many Heathen communities grow, shrink, scatter, splinter, and simple break. There ae so many causes for these destructive forces, but the main reason is that we are a modern people and we live in a modern world. People come and go as individuals or families and simply disappear. It is just the way our society is structured. In ancient times people moved in tribal units. The depended on each for survival. We know there were tribal customs and eventually laws about the disabled, lame, and those who were a “burden to the tribe” wherein these folks could be ritually sacrificed or simply left to die in the wilderness. These acts were for the good of the tribe, but today are unheard of in our modern world. The tribal peoples needed to stick together, be health, strong, and willing ...

Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG)

Unverifiable Personal Gnosis is dismissed by some Heathens because it cannot be verified by some written source. UPG is when an individual gains an understanding of a god, spirit, myth, or ritual by means of intuition or the experience of communication with a non-human entity. Therefore, it cannot be verified by the sources, it is a personal experience. I can see why some would doubt this knowledge and reject it a s a BS. However, take the source. Is the person who has had his experience trustworthy, honorable, truthful, and wise? Do you trust them? The Lore Be afraid, be very afraid! The reconstruction of ancient Heathenry has put a lot of emphasis on The Lore . Making his the be all end all of knowledge. First, the lore is important in understanding and recreating the spiritual and religious practices of the ancient Heathens. However, it was transcribed by Christian monks and has been interpreted by a lot of people with different ideas. Pick up a few copies of Hávamál , go the s...